Lend your unique talents to the neighborhood.
Whether you've lived here your entire life or you've just arrived, we welcome you to get involved with NENA!
NENA Volunteers...
Deliver the quarterly Newsletter to all doors in the North End.
Help at the annual Hyde Park Street Fair (HPSF).
Serve on various committees with a wide range of focus areas.
Beautify the neighborhood through NENA programs.
Have an idea for something you'd like to contribute? Email us!​
Volunteer Opportunities
We are beginning the first phase of a collaborative process to address traffic and safety concerns on Harrison Boulevard. Our hope is to create a model process for integrating the input of the community, historical preservationists, ACHD, and the City of Boise to make streets safer for all
users. Data collection will include speed studies using radar guns as well as pedestrian/bike/auto counts at several intersections.
If you can donate a few hours of time to this exciting project, or if you would like any additional information, please contact us at: harrisonboulevardboise@gmail.com.
Thank you!
If you'd like to volunteer for the NENA Board, please email board@northendboise.org