The North End Neighborhood Association Board of Directors is sad to announce the resignation of Director Nola Walker, who was elected to her seat at the annual election in September, 2021. Nola was subsequently elected by her fellow Directors to the role of Treasurer, a role which she has been dedicated to. However, at this time, Nola has decided to focus her energy toward other personal and professional commitments, though she will remain on as a member of the NENA Recruitment Committee and assist with the transition of Treasurer responsibilities.
We would like to thank Nola for her tireless work and many efforts to help stabilize NENA and help the organization move forward. We appreciate you and all the work you have done!
The Board hopes to fill the remainder of Nola's term, which ends at the annual election in 2024, as quickly as possible. If you are interested in seeking a nomination, please email board@northendboise.org and a member of the Recruitment Committee will respond.
Applications will be accepted through April 5th, with an appointment anticipated no later than the regular April meeting.