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The Votes Are In! 2023 Annual Meeting & Board Election
With more than 50 neighbors in attendance and 33 verified voters, Erik Hagen and Lex Roitman were re-elected to new two-year director...

NENA Fall Update - Board Elections Coming Up!
And like that <snap!> it's Fall A huge shout out to Gruntwerks and the NENA Board for putting on another awesome Hyde Park Street Fair!...

North End by the Numbers
Bordered by 28th to the west, State to the South, Hill to the north and 4th-ish & the foothills to the east, there are roughly 5,000...
To Rezone Or Not to Rezone, That Is The Question
You've probably seen one of the City's many public engagement efforts surrounding the Zoning Code Rewrite effort. Or, maybe you haven't -...

Hyde Park Street Fair Returns to Boise's North End
Thanks for the coverage, Idaho Press!

SURVEY: Is the City's Energize Our Neighborhoods Program Meeting North End Needs?
The City of Boise is seeking input on how the city can best support, partner with, and invest in neighborhoods. A citywide survey is open...

Warm Up to Geothermal Heat
Did you know? Deep down below the earth's surface runs a natural resource that the City of Boise has been utilizing for more than a...

Historic Pools Make a Splash
Iconic architecture and generations of summers spent cooling off in the above-ground pools located at South and Lowell are at risk: In...

Short-Term Rental Survey Results
Last fall, NENA posted a survey asking for feedback to a number of questions about short-term rentals such as AirBnB and VRBO. This...
Photo: ©Alex Couey 2021
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